What Is FaceTite?

FaceTite is a cosmetic procedure that combines fat reduction and skin tightening using radiofrequency energy. It falls under the category of minimally invasive treatments and is sometimes referred to as radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL).

During the FaceTite procedure, a small cannula is inserted under the skin, and radiofrequency energy is delivered to target both the fat tissues and the underlying collagen fibers. This dual-action helps to remove excess fat and stimulate collagen production, resulting in a more contoured and tightened appearance of the face.

The benefits of FaceTite include reduced fat deposits, improved skin elasticity, and a more youthful facial contour. One of the advantages of FaceTite is that it typically involves less downtime and recovery compared to more invasive surgical procedures like facelifts.

How Does FaceTite Work?

FaceTite works through the application of radiofrequency (RF) energy to target both the fat tissue and the underlying collagen fibers in the skin. The procedure is minimally invasive and aims to provide both fat reduction and skin tightening effects. Here’s a more detailed explanation of how FaceTite works:

  1. Local Anesthesia: Before the procedure begins, the targeted area on the face is numbed using local anesthesia. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable during the treatment.
  2. Tiny Incisions: Small incisions are made in inconspicuous areas near the treatment area. These incisions are typically only a few millimeters in size.
  3. Cannula Insertion: A thin cannula (a tube) is inserted through the incisions and is guided beneath the skin. This cannula is equipped with an electrode that emits radiofrequency energy.
  4. Radiofrequency Energy Delivery: Once the cannula is in place, radiofrequency energy is delivered to the targeted tissues. The RF energy heats the adipose (fat) tissue, causing it to melt or coagulate.
  5. Thermal Effect: The controlled heating of the tissues induces a thermal effect, leading to the contraction of collagen fibers in the skin. This dual-action of targeting fat and stimulating collagen production helps in achieving both fat reduction and skin tightening.
  6. Real-Time Monitoring: FaceTite often includes real-time temperature monitoring to ensure that the tissues are heated to the desired level without causing damage to surrounding structures.
  7. Aspiration (Optional): In some cases, a small amount of liquefied fat may be aspirated (suctioned out) through the cannula.
  8. Closure of Incisions: After the treatment is completed, the incisions are closed with sutures.

The controlled application of radiofrequency energy in FaceTite stimulates collagen remodeling, which, over time, leads to improved skin firmness and elasticity. The procedure is designed to be minimally invasive, and as a result, it generally involves less downtime compared to more extensive surgical procedures.

It’s important to note that individual experiences and results may vary, and the success of the procedure can depend on factors such as the patient’s skin condition, age, and overall health.

What To Expect After FaceTite

Once the procedure is complete, your provider will apply compression garments that you’ll wear home. These help to ensure your skin heals and tightens as it should.

You may go home the same day as your FaceTite procedure, but you may consider having someone drive you. It takes 1 to 2 days to recover. One studyTrusted Source also noted that most patients undergoing the procedure went back to work after 2 days.

After a few days, you might notice smoother skin. Full results may be seen within a few months. Keep in mind that your results will vary, and you should see your provider if you’re not satisfied.

Frequently Asked Questions

FaceTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure, patients can go home the day of the procedure, and can resume regular activities shortly after.

Any areas on the face and neck with saggy skin can be treated. This includes double chins, jowls, nasolabial folds, and other areas with deep lines and loose skin.

By avoiding a facelift procedure with the large incisions, patients will benefit from reduced post-procedural swelling and discomfort. This is a less traumatic process with a natural looking final result.

Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable after 6 weeks, and continuing up to 12 months